Question Number: 393
HRMT11011 Human Resource ManagementAssessment task 2—Academic EssayHRMT11011 1 Term 3, 2018Assessment task 2—Academic Essay (Individual task)Due date: Monday 14 January 2019 (Week 9) @ 8.00 a.m. AEST ASSESSMENTWeighting: 40%Length: 1500 words ±10% (excluding reference list) 2Submission: Online via MoodlePurposeThis written assessment is designed to assist students to develop skills in the analysis of human resourceissues based on relevant human resource theories and models.The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give students the opportunity to enhance theiranalytical, critical thinking, and written communication skills, particularly in the areas of developing anargument and essay writing.DescriptionYou are required to research and write an ACADEMIC ESSAY. You should establish your argument andprovide evidence from your research of academic and other appropriate sources to support your argument.You are expected to engage in extensive research within the academic literature (peer reviewed academicjournal articles) relevant to the task and support your argument from scholarly sources. Other sources thatmake a significant contribution to the analysis may include industry and organisation specific examples.Task DetailsDue to socio-demographic, technological, and environmental trends the Australian workforce and nature ofwork continue to change. In your essay titled "Changing Face of Work in Australia", you should;• identify the trends influencing the changing nature of work in Australia,• critically discuss HRM implications related to identified trends (Note - your discussion should focuson implications for at least three(3) of the related HR functions such as HR planning, job design,recruitment, engagement, and retention)• critically discuss associated challenges and opportunities for employers and employees.Note - Your essay should incorporate examples from Australian organisations and/or industries to supportyour discussion.Please do not commence this Assessment without referring to the 'Marking Rubric' provided in the UnitMoodle site.Penalties for late submission are applied according to the Policy.Additional InformationYour essay should be a properly constructed ACADEMIC ESSAY.It should contain an effective introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction should introduce theessay and include your argument. The introduction should reflect the task and provide a statement of HRMT11011 Human Resource ManagementAssessment task 2—Academic EssayHRMT11011 2 Term 3, 2018purpose, scope and context. The body should be the critical analysis where you present your argument,which is supported throughout using the evidence you have collected from your research. The conclusionshould restate your argument, summarise the evidence, and make a conclusion regarding your argument.The conclusion should link to the introduction.The essay should contain a coherent, and appropriate critical review of the academic literature across theissues you identify. The literature review should be integrated throughout the essay to evidence thecritical analysis and develop your argument.• DO NOT INCLUDE HEADINGS IN YOUR ESSAY.• DO NOT INCLUDE AN ABSTRACT.• DO NOT INCLUDE A TABLE OF CONTENTS.A reference list is compulsory and it MUST be prepared according to the CQU APA Referencing Guide.DO NOT include a bibliography.This assessment item involves researching your assigned topic to enhance your understanding of therelevant human resource issues and utilisation of academic literature. You will be expected to presentinformation and evidence from, and cite, relevant academic peer reviewed journal articles. You mustundertake research more broadly than articles posted on Moodle. The minimum to pass this criterion[10/20] is SIX (6) scholarly references, one of which MUST be the prescribed textbook, plus FIVE (5)relevant academic peer reviewed journal articles. You may use the three articles from Assessment 1Annotated Bibliography.The quality and number of citations will demonstrate the breadth and depth of the literature used toformulate your argument. It is not only about the number of references, but also it is about how you usethe content from your research. You can cite the textbook, and any of your journal articles more than onceas appropriate to develop your argument. Keep your key research recent (from 2012 onwards), unless youare using the primary source articles of theories and/or models. You also will need to obtain material fromappropriate sources to provide industry examples.Your marker is interested in the argument and critical analysis that you have developed from YOUR reviewof the literature and how well you use the literature to respond to the topic. There should be minimal use,if any, of direct quotes, and you should be paraphrasing. The in text referencing in the body of the essaymust be appropriate and sufficient.
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