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Question Number: 45

technical Writing week 9Pin It In our textbook, read “Chapter 9: Proposals and Progress Reports” on pages 233 - 273.Do Exercise 1 on page 272. Write a 500 to 750-word memo to Lydia suggesting specific changes to her proposal. The two biggest problems with her draft are organization and writing style, so at a minimum, you need to address those two major topics. (Hint: She is writing a relatively short and informal funding proposal, so she really needs only four sections: Purpose, Rationale, Cost, and Conclusion.) Revise Lydia’s proposal by incorporating the changes suggested in your memo. Be sure your memo and revised proposal incorporate all other relevant principles of ethics,readability, document design, etc. addressed in previous chapters. Proofread and edit your work carefully.Save your memo and revised draft as a single MS Word file. Be sure to use the correct file name, e.g., JaneDoeWeek9.docx.Upload your file by to the Week 9 link in the Assignments & Exams page of Bb by the due date and time.As I evaluate your assignment, I will ask myself the following questions: Have you followed the instructions in this assignment sheet, in the textbook exercise, and in the syllabus? Do your responses show clear evidence that you have read and understood the assigned readings? Do your responses conform to the criteria listed in the “Grades” section of the syllabus?

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