Question Number: 362
Assignment 1 – 2703ICT Web ApplicationDevelopmentDue Date: 3rd September 2018 (Monday Week 8) 9amWeight: 25%Individual AssignmentIntroductionFor this assignment you are required to build the foundation for a review application. This applicationstores and display user reviews for a particular type of item (e.g. products/services/websites) of yourchoice. E.g. A review website for mobile phones.There is NO requirement in Assignment 1 to support user authentication.DetailsThe name and design of the website can be to your choosing however it must satisfy the followingrequirements:1. All pages must have a navigation menu, either across the top of the page or down the left orright column.2. The home page must display all items in the database. Clicking on the item will bring up thereview page for that item.3. The review page will contain details for that item (i.e. name, manufacturer, and any other detailfor that item). Furthermore, it will list all reviews for that item. Each review contains thereviewer’s name, the rating (e.g. a number between 1 to 5), and the review (text). None of thefields for item and review can be empty.4. Users can add a review for an item. User cannot post multiple reviews for the same item.5. Users can edit existing reviews.6. Users can add a new item. New item must have a manufacturer and a unique name (for thatmanufacturer).7. Users can edit existing items.8. An item can be deleted. When a user deletes an item, the reviews for that item should also bedeleted.9. When an item is displayed, the number of reviews for that item should also be displayed.10. There should be a page or pages which display all items for a particular manufacturer. Usershould be able to select which manufacturer’s item to display. (note: make sure all routeswork)11. There should be a page which lists all items in descending order of the number of reviews forthat item, i.e. the item with most review is displayed first and the item with the least number ofreviews is displayed last. Note: items with no review should also be listed.12. There should be a page which lists all items in descending order of the average review ratingfor that item, i.e. the item with highest average rating is displayed first and the item with thelowest average rating is displayed last. Note: items with no review, hence no rating should beindicated.13. Design and implement another functionality that would be useful for this type of application.This functionality should involve the use of database. It functionality should not be to do withuser authentication (as we will do this for assignment 2). You will be judged oncreativity/innovation, and also technical competence.Technical requirements1. This assignment must be implemented using Laravel and the DB class.2. An SQL file should be used to create tables and insert initial data. There should be enoughinitial data to thoroughly test the retrieval, update, and deletion functionalities you haveimplemented.3. All input must be validated; validation errors message must be displayed within the view.4. Proper security measures must be implemented, e.g. perform HTML and SQL sanitisation etc.You should be able to explain the security measures you have implemented.5. Template inheritance must be properly used.6. Good coding practice is expected. This includes:- Naming: using consistent, readable, and descriptive names for files, functions, variables etc.- Readability: correct indenting/spacing of code.- Commenting: there should at least be a short description for each function.For further details of the requirements, refer to the marking rubric. All requirements from both theassignment specification and marking rubric must be satisfied.Submission RequirementsYou must submit the following items for the assignment:• An ER diagram for the database• A short document describing what you were able to complete, what you were not able tocomplete, any interesting approaches you took, and any extra that was implemented.• The above documentation should be provided as a page (or pages) in the website and linked tofrom the navigation menu. The ER diagram can be provided as an image (PNG) or SVG.• A compressed file containing ALL the files in your submission (including all PHP code, SQL to createthe database, and documentations as described above).o This file can be obtained from Cloud9 by right click on your assignment directory then selectdownload.o This file must be submitted via Learning@Griffith through the assignment 1 link.Note: You are responsible for regularly backing up your work. Hence, if you lose your file due to notbacking up, then expect to be heavily penalised.Peer AssessmentAssignments will be marked by your tutor in the lab following the due date of the assignment. Beforeyou attend your laboratory class for assignment marking, you must complete Peer Assessment foryour submission.The peer assessment activity requires you to demonstrate and explain your work to a fellow student(peer) that have already submitted their assignment (you should check their L@G submission page tomake sure of this). Your peer will mark your assignment using a print out of the rubric. To indicate thecompletion of peer assessment, your peer need to record the date and time of peer assessment andsign the rubric (form).Assignment Demonstration and MarkingAfter you have completed your peer assessment, you must demonstrate and explain your work toyour tutor in Week 8 lab to have your submission marked by your tutor.If you don’t do Peer Assessment and then demonstrate your assignment to your tutor, your submissionwill be regarding as incomplete, hence you will not receive a mark for this assessment item!During the demonstration, you need to show the last modified date of your file (on Cloud9, run thecommand: ls -la in your routes directory. Cloud9 is 10 hours behind Brisbane/Gold Coast time).
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