The CISO reaches out to you again and complains about the interns who appear to be violating many security policies. They do not lock their workstations, download illegal music, connect their personal devices to the organization’s computers, spend too much time on social media, and even download pornography to the organization’s computers. The CISO asks you to address these violations by developing a security document (Rules of Behavior) stating at least 15 rules about what activities employees are not allowed to conduct on the network. See the Department of Justice Rules of Behavior template as a sample. Additionally, write three supplementary paragraphs to discuss what types of training should occur in order to keep these violations from occurring in the future. How can you proactively strive for compliance with these behaviors?. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: · Address violations committed by the interns. · State at least 15 rules about network conduct. · Propose future training possibilities with three supplementary paragraphs. · Discuss how businesses can aim for compliance with behaviors. (3-4 pages)