Resources: LEED™ Presentation; Energy Usage Calculation spreadsheetRead the LEED™ Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation to gain an understanding of the standard for green architecture.Select the design of a home that uses standard architectural design or nonrenewable, inefficient energy guidelines.Complete the Energy Usage Calculation spreadsheet. Use the Energy Usage Calculation spreadsheet to complete the following: Determine the most efficient alternative energy design that would reduce the energy output through built-in calculation. Compare the energy usage in the original to the new design of the chosen home.Redesign your chosen building to achieve a certified, silver, or gold level of LEED™certification.Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and include the following: Outline your idea for an alternative energy design that includes LEED™ architecture. Determine the most energy-efficient design or alternative energy for the home or building you have chosen. Describe how you might integrate sustainable energy sources and technologies into the design. Report the energy savings of the new design. Compare actions you might take in daily activities at home, when commuting, and to work to reduce the energy you consume.Note: The Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet should automatically calculate the electricity used in a typical house once you insert the number of hours. In addition, include the power usage of standard appliances such as a water heater, refrigerator, lighting, computer, television, dishwasher, and so on.Present your Green LEED™ Architecture presentation. For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations. For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint®presentations with notes.