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Emotional ambivalence, good, or indifferent?
A. Do you agree with the conclusions and the use of scientific research in this article? Overall, do you believe one should aim to be less ambivalent over time or to maintain or allow their current ambivalence to continue in life?
The emotional ambiance is basically a difficult state of emotion which can be characterized by pressure and a clash which is felt by people when they experience negative and positive emotions one at a time. In this article, researchers have found that ambiance may be served as a meaning of self-protection and it has been speculated that it might potentially decrease risk aversion and which sometimes requires accomplishing patronizing outcomes. Thus it can be concluded that ambivalence provides emotional evade. Thus it can take additional opportunities. People incline to be extra risk opposed than they must and depending on the condition a willingness to take more risks might lead to better outcomes.
One should assume less ambivalent attitudes so that he could be more stable and hold more prognostic behavior over time to apply the effects on information processing. The influence of attitudinal ambivalence on attitude flexibility, stability, and the effect of attitude on behavioral intentions. Inside person variability is consequently extent function that denotes underlying information such as feelings, beliefs etc. are inconsistent. That is the reason every time an individual people creates an attitude, the amount attitude stability differs as a level of function of evaluative incongruity among negative and positive evaluations of the behavior or object. According to this perspective, conflict in the determinants of attitude delivers a structural base for ambivalence that in turn controls stability. Similarly, it implies which stage of attitude and ambivalence stability are inseparably linked. Thus less ambivalent attitudes must be steadier over time.
B. Is it possible or desirable to be ambivalent regarding your own happiness? Even if there are other parts of our life that it can add to, it might be that happiness is an exception that does not allow for ambivalence. If you are able to achieve it. On the other hand, since we are generally pretty ambivalent, perhaps we should include that in our conception of a happy life. How would ambivalence fit, if at all, in a happy life?
Peace of mind in addition to happiness cannot be found as free from the storm. It can be found in the mind which is at affluence with itself, although the ambivalence and inconsistencies. It can be determined by the nature of individual feelings and thoughts, and in what way individual people react to them.
Ambivalence is a psychological situation in which one feels at the same time mixed feelings. The psychological ambivalence causes individuals to stay, to stop, and to take action for fear of creating a mistake or affecting themselves as an emotional pain. The more people receive these pieces themselves and decide not to judge themselves harshly, the more they will be capable to discover peace of wellbeing, mind, and happiness (Zimmerman, 2016). Happiness is belief which results from accomplishing a significant objective of high position, as well as sadness is a belief which results from holding a non-stereotypic role. With the help of multiple research approaches, researchers have offered convincing experiential evidence which shows ambivalence can be categorized as persons’ attention span.
Feeling emotional ambivalence like concurrently sad and happy comparative to sadness and happiness enlarges attentional extensiveness, therefore growing creativity as designated by the number of distant relations prepared in a theoretical insight task. The appliance underlying this consequence is emotional ambivalence is an uncommon or uncharacteristic condition, signaling that the distinction is in an uncommon environment. According to a study it has been found that emotionally ambivalent persons, the concurrent experience of sadness and happiness must signal that the situation is both nonviolent on the base of feelings of happiness and difficult on the base of feelings of sadness, so preparing openness to different perspectives.
2. The Human Condition: Allegory of the Cave or Myth of Sisyphus?
Explain the symbolic significance of 3-4 elements in the allegory (the sun, the shackles, the pain of ascent from the cave, etc.) and what you believe Plato is trying to convey as a whole in this Allegory. Compare this to The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus and explain whether the two have complimentary or contrasting meaning. Here is a link to the Allegory of the Cave:
The Allegory which was provided by Plato is defined as one of the most important idealistic writing in terms of Allegory. Generally, this type of writing has two different type of significance. One is allegorical meaning and the other one is literary meaning. In the allegorical type writing characters, the whole settings and the actions are referred to the symbol. These symbols were inferred to compose the allegorical meaning. In this Allegory, Plato described the cave which is a part of the cave world. The cave is dark because a little amount of light can enter inside of the cave. For this reason, the things inside the cave can’t be visible clearly. There is another world, outside the cave. A wall has been raised in between these two worlds. The peoples who are inside the cave are not able to travel easily. They move multiple things on their hands and the shadows of them go down in the cave world. In the outer world, everything is visible because the light is there (Far et al., 2015) If the chained people are unconfined from the cave world, at the first time he will not be able to see anything because his eyes will daze due to the light. This allegory related to the cave has multiple allegorical meaning because different symbolic proposal is utilized in the writings. The dark cave symbolizes the modern world of unawareness and the people of the cave symbolize the ill-mannered people of this unaware world. The wall between the two worlds signifies the restriction of our thoughts and the shadow symbolizes the sensory discernment. This discernment is considered as an illusion. According to Plato, the manifestation is not true and the reality is somewhere in the world. The light of the outer world characteristically signifies the saintly authenticity of the world and the dazzling of eyes symbolizes all the complexities of contradicts the outer world. So in the metaphor of cave, Plato has given a condemnation over our restricted subsistence in the world.
The myth of Sisyphus and the allegory of the cave are both the challenges at explaining the different aspect of the way people think. It also considers why the people do as observed. Both the stories of the myth of Sisyphus and the allegory of Cave explain the similar idea without the exact and important revelation to revolutionize. Both the theory illustrates that thinking is confined and unawareness is the undeviating product (Bodetti, 2015). The theory of Allegory of the cave explains that how the people are frightened to change and what types of the thing they do not know. In this theory, Plato recommends such a situation in which the people are living in a secretive cave and they are chained in such a way that they will only be able to see the wall. In the myth of the Sisyphus, the gods actually condemned Sisyphus to roll a rock to the top of the hill. In this situation, the stone has the tendency to fall back down due to the gravitational force. Both these theories explain the experimental propensities of a contemporary man.
3. Provide an interpretation of this metaphorical piece by Nietzsche, focusing on the Child. Why is the Child the final stage of the spirit discussed and what kind of spiritual achievement does it represent? What do the Lion, Camel and Great Dragon symbolize? Overall what view of human transformation and transcendence is being expressed by the author - and what personal meaning can you find in it?
Nietzsche expresses that the ‘child is innocent’ because he does not reference his own action against the values of others but of his own. He is ‘forgetfulness’ because his values are not a fixed system but a fluid which involve in the ever-changing process (Nietzsche, 2018). He can get a new beginning or his ‘first movement’ at any time of his life and each calling a new judgment from his being. He is also a game as because he never takes the following of interrupted values anymore. He acts like ‘a self-rolling wheel’ because his locus of evaluation has been relocated to within himself and he is ‘holy Yea’ as for the bringing of valuing into the locus of oneself automatically brings one into being more accepting of experience in general.
In the final stage which represents the future, Nietzsche terms "completed Nihilism." This situation will arise when negativism will have been overwhelmed, therefore it can be named the stage of Affirmation, is the stage of ‘the negation of the negation’. This is accepted as a spiritual achievement (Nietzsche, 2016). Thus. Where the "Child" who says "Yes" to everything and lives only in the Present, beyond time. It is a circumstance of total retrieval of meaning, of complete meaning, where meaning, so to speak, "floods out of every existential aperture.
Nietzsche declared three metamorphoses of the spirit, the first one is camel which is essential to take the values of the society it was born into. The next one was the lion which emerges symbol of the discarding of interjected values. Basically, Nietzsche’s lion required ‘create itself freedom’ through discarding the old values of ‘the great dragon’ before a camel, as like an individual takes on and interjects the values of his society at large, moving his source of evaluation from a fluid center within himself to a fixed set of values outside of himself. These introjected values in the individual agree as a miniature to the old morality. He also described this old morality as ‘the great dragon’ that waves each person in their development. This dragon is contrasted with the lion where a symbol of a certain stage of the ‘metamorphosis of one’s spirit’, which corresponds with the discarding of this old memory. IT is at this point of development, where a fundamental dissonance and discrepancy is present.
The will be unique to each individual, their different laws are mandatory not going to be identical. It states that each person is to do their own will and not follow out the various laws and mandates of others. Basically, moral sanctions forced from without are discarded. Each man and woman must go through the several stages of human development. Everyone lives their lives through adopting values (Fresh Fever from the Skies, 2014). These values are discussed by Nietzsche in his three metamorphoses of the spirit. This infant stage of values is totally composed of operative values for conceived values require symbol thought of which infants are inborn with a sense of valuing things.
Bodetti, K. (2015). The philosophical side of contemporary art forms. City University of New York.
Far, J., Haler, J., Kune, C., Morsa, D., & De Pauw, E. (2015). Is the natural shape of ions in the gas phase spherical? The allegory of the cave (Plato) applied in mass spectrometry.
Fresh Fever From the Skies: The Collected Writings of IAO131. (2014). Retrieved from-Nietzsche, F. (2016). Thus spoke Zarathustra. Jester House Publishing via PublishDrive.Nietzsche, F. W. (2018). Thus Spake Zarathustra: A book for all and none. Youcanprint.
Zimmerman, E. (2016). Is Ambivalence Healthy? Researchers Have Mixed Feelings. Retrieved from:
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