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This is a short research paper which carefully studies the retirement system and its additional benefits that are provided to the citizens of San Francisco. For this research a set of five questions were prepared for a group of people who are in the verge of their retirement. The findings that were being gathered were entirely based upon their answers of those five questions. The responses of each and every individuals were sort of mixed but most of them reacted positively as they encourage the retirement system and the associated benefits that are being provided to them by the government of San Francisco. The research also revels the firm faith of the participants upon the current retirement system of this city and county in spite of having some issues related to the pension obligation policies. The employee’s retirement system in San Francisco is generally a public pension fund which offers various types of additional advantages to their citizens and that is discussed thoroughly in this paper.
Introduction:In my research paper the topic is the retirement system and its benefit related to the citizens within San Francisco city. I have selected this topic as I felt that it is a significant topic for the citizens those who are in their verge of retirement and also for the employees or workers working in this city in various other organizations. This topic I felt is significant as the persons who are going to retire can prepare strategies to run their after retirement life and on the other hand the younger and working class of the society can make preparations and planning of their money that how they will spend, invests or make deposits.
In this research work I have gone through two most important journal articles from where I get to know many things and had tremendously helped me in my research work and they are “The Day After Tomorrow: Managing the Retrenchment of Public Employee Retirement Systems” by Kiewiet, D. Roderick and the other one is “2010 Comparative Study of Major Public Employee Retirement Systems” by Daniel Schmidt of Wisconsin Legislative Council. Both these articles are very important as it describes and makes a comparative advantages of both the public and private employees in the United States and especially it addresses the San Francisco County where the retirement systems and its schemes are quite flexible. The research paper, “The Day After Tomorrow: Managing the Retrenchment of Public Employee Retirement Systems” by Kiewiet, D. Roderick briefly explains the retirement benefits that an individual will receives at the time of their retirements. Here in this peer review it can be found that there are some issues involved in the retirement system related to the pension’s obligations by the constitution of California.
“2010 Comparative Study of Major Public Employee Retirement Systems” by Daniel Schmidt states that the future perspectives of the individuals after their retirement. It briefly discuss the retirement procedures and their issues related to them. It also briefly discuss about different pension schemes and various retirement policies which are prepared for safeguarding the interest of the citizens in San Francisco.
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